🐛 How to Debug Leetcode Problems For Free

There you are. You are studying for a coding interview or trying to stop faking to be a developer while asking silly questions such as how to revert an array to ChatGPT. What do 90% of people do? They go to LeetCode and start planning to complete 100 problems a day. Sound good. Yes, except after the first excitement, you […]

🗞 Add The Economist Weekly Articles to Pocket

In the last years, I learned to love Pocket, a service that lets you manage a “read it later” list of articles that you can fill with pieces that interests you. It does a great job in offering a direct, simple and distraction-free experience while reading, and it is perfectly integrated with many devices and browsers, e-book readers included. Talking about reading, The […]

💰 Personal Finance System: A Little Guide to Automatise Your Budget – Part 1

One of the biggest struggles for people, both young and old, is managing their money correctly: 66% of millennials don’t feel on track when it comes to saving for retirement, according to a 2019 TD Ameritrade report, and before the pandemic, households struggled to save more than 8% of their income. Despite the growing wealth available to the population, it’s still not easy […]