Tag: r

  • 🪢 Do We Perceive Connections Correctly? A Network Approach

    🪢 Do We Perceive Connections Correctly? A Network Approach

    Network Centrality Measure In the last articles, we explored different aspects of network theory. After introducing networks and their presence in everyday life, we tried to understand how to create one in R, starting from a list of members sharing different interests or activities. Let’s start adding another layer of deepens by exploring the concept of centrality. Given a network,…

  • 🖍 Stile Your Charts Like Wes Anderson in R

    🖍 Stile Your Charts Like Wes Anderson in R

    One of the reasons why 2021 will be better than 2020 is that The French Dispatch will be released (on October 22nd, to be precise). For the non-fans, The French Dispatch is the latest effort of Wes Anderson, one of the most appreciated directors around. If you haven’t seen any of his movies, you have…

  • 🛒 How to Run Sales Revenue Analysis and Forecasting With R

    🛒 How to Run Sales Revenue Analysis and Forecasting With R

    I’d probably be the millionth blogger writing it. Still, it’s impossible to deny it: data-driven decision making is essential for every individual or organisation that want to improve efficiency, productivity and returns in life and business. How? Let’s think about an easy example: A typical bookseller is usually aware of the following facts about its…

  • 🕸 How to Create a Weighted Network From a List of Elements Sharing an Attribute With R

    🕸 How to Create a Weighted Network From a List of Elements Sharing an Attribute With R

    Image source: Derrible, S. (2012). Network centrality of metro systems. PloS one, 7(7), e40575. Network analysis is a branch of data science gaining a lot of attention from outside, mainly because many aspects of our life can be described using networks, such as fifteenth Century Florentine Marriages, friendships in sports clubs, viral marketing strategies, metro…