🧱 Build to Last: Why Visionary Companies Succeed

Why do some companies succeed and others don’t? After talking about product management and data bias books, with this article, we continue to explore relevant business books that can help us put in perspective organisations and markets. The star of today is Built to Last, which continues the cycle of research conducted by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras on why some companies succeed and others don’t. The other books […]

🍿 Netflix: What’s the Future?

Following the recent sad development in Ukraine, Netflix reportedly will be forced to broadcast Putin propaganda, as reported from the Politico website. Will it follow other services that stopped servicing Russia as a sign of protest, or will it stick to the new deal? With this premise, let’s continue the “company review” series that started with GameStop. An Overview For the ones who lived on […]

🌏 How Does Culture Influence Behaviour?

How does culture influence behaviour? It was the summer of 2012, and I was on a two-week English campus in Dublin. My class was composed of 4 Italian guys like 5 Russian friends, and me. One day, the teacher asked if we would report one of our parents to the authority if they committed a homicide. To my surprise, the […]

📒 4 Product Management Books You Should Read

Why read four books about product management? I believe that Product Management is becoming the alphabet of the upcoming days: nowadays, the entire economy is shifting through digital products and platforms services. According to Investopedia and uxcam, the top 6 companies listed on the S&P 500 index are digital products(Microsoft, Amazon, Google, et cetera). A fully optimized product manager could increase company profits by 34.2%. […]

🕹 GameStop: the Quiet after the Stock Storm

It’s been almost a year since the Gamestop stock case. For those who wonder what it is, in January 2020, Reddit Community WallStreetBets orchestrated a significant cumulative buy of GameStop stocks. The volume of stocks increased tenfold, the price adjusted, growing 1822% (taking as reference the interval 7th – 27th of January). How is GameStop after that? Was it a market joke? […]

👨‍🏫 How to Pitch Your Startup Effectively

Admit it: in the last year, you have thought, “I have a startup idea that will make me a millionaire“. Another classic statement is: “yes, I believe I can create the new Facebook for pets”, or “the new Airbnb for camping”, or the “Youporn for food”. It’s easy to create “the new insert a famous platform for random product”. What you may miss, is […]